New Mexico Pediatric Society
Board & Leadership

NMPS Board
Melissa Sanchez, MD, FAAP
Vice President/President-Elect
Francine Jacobs, MD, FAAP
Immediate Past-President:
Karen Armitage, MD, FAAP
Gretchen Seelinger, MD, FAAP
Mariska Wensink, MD, FAAP
Advanced Clinician:
Cynthia Johnson, RN, CNP
Crystal Avila-Schroeder, MD, FAAP
Jennifer Garcia, MD, FAAP
Tommie Begay, MD, FAAP
Parent Advocate:
Cathy Salazar
Committee Chairs
Breastfeeding Task Force: Emilie Sebesta, MD, FAAP
CATCH Facilitators: Tom Faber, MD, FAAP, Carl Tapia, MD, FAAP
Continuing Medical Education: Melissa Sanchez, MD, FAAP
Disaster Preparedness: Robert Sapien, MD
Early Career Physicians: Page Pomo, MD
Early Childhood: Janis Gonzales, MD, MPH, FAAP
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Julia Hecht, MD, FAAP
Emeritus/Retired Physicians: Larry Shandler, MD
Fetus and Newborns: Janell Fuller, MD, FAAP
Foster Care and Child Abuse: John Ratmeyer, MD, FAAP, and Rebecca Girardet MD, FAAP
Immunization: Melissa Mason, MD, FAAP
Legislative Affairs: Larry Shandler, MD, FAAP, and Karen Armitage, MD, FAAP
Membership/Nominating: Alex Cvijanovich, MD, FAAP
Pediatric Council: Lisa Jimenez, MD, FAAP
Prevention of ACEs: Open Position
QI: Monique Vallabhan, MD, FAAP
Executive Director: Carmen Meyer RN, BSN, CCM
Email: executivedirector@nmaap.org
Updated 10.2024